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Hope Deferred
Christians are uniquely positioned to further racial equality.
The Prohibition of Gay Marriage
We can learn from the defeat of American Christian activism's greatest legislative victory.
Should We Fight for Under God?
The right approach to these two little words may not be obvious.
The Naked City
The story of the 1977 blackout in New York—the occasion of widespread looting and destruction—has some surprisingly timely lessons for America in 2004.
Books & Culture's Book of the Week: History Repeats Itself, Sort of
How the fate of Eugene McCarthy's insurgency against LBJ sheds light on the 2004 presidential campaign.
When God—or Allah—Is in the Details
What do Islamic sharia law and the colonial Massachusetts' Puritan experiment have in common?
Hey, John Kerry, WWFFD?
What Would the Founding Fathers Do about the application of Christian principles to American politics? A few cautionary words.
Catching Up with a Dream
Evangelicals and race 30 years after the death of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Struggle for Lincoln's Soul
Was Abraham Lincoln a Christian? A look at the evidence.
Why the Devil takes VISA
A Christian response to the triumph of consumerism.
Separate and Equal
Martin Luther King dreamed of an integrated society. Boston minister Eugene Rivers thinks it was the wrong dream.
Heavenly Comet
As George Whitefield blazed across England, Scotland, and America, his dramatic preaching caused excitement bordering on panic.
I Run For My Horse With All My Might
A farmer races to the sensation.

Top Story April 29, 2024

Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Do activists often invest their work with religious significance? All the more reason for Christians to be discerning co-laborers.

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